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What is the business model of MADiscover?

MADiscover is not another database, nor another search engine. We digitize the professional service of strategic search in a way that will allow you to receive reliable insights about your individual search criteria and therefore be more productive. 

We work on a per project basis; this means: Every project will be accompanied by consultants who link your search criteria and our algorithm. We translate your domain expertise, so the algorithm can find the relevant target firms.

Which problem do you tackle?

Searching for possible mergers & acquisitions targets is usually a very manual, time-consuming, and complex task. Starting with a longlist, all information and evaluations from different sources are collected and brought into a comparable structure. When new criteria come up or dimensions change every firm must be reevaluated.

MADiscover digitizes this deal sourcing process with an AI-based algorithm. This allows us to screen usually thousands of firms based on your individual search criteria which can be adjusted throughout the project.

Which data is gathered?

Based on the results of the onboarding process with you, our algorithm creates an extended longlist which often consists of thousands of firms. These firms are identified via various firm registries and databases. 

Once the longlist is set up, all publicly available, scrapable data on the firms’ webpages and their subpages is collected.

How is the data analyzed?

Our algorithm operationalizes your specific search and screening criteria into distinguishable language patterns. Throughout the process we calibrate the algorithm based on your feedback as well as already detected targets. 

The longlist is evaluated based on these language patterns as the algorithm translates both the number and the broadness of their occurrence into numeric scores.

How is the final shortlist provided?

We create a BI dashboard including graphs, ranking, and quadrants.

The companies on the shortlist are ranked in various criteria that are customized to your needs. This will allow you to understand the companies’ profiles and compare them to each other.
The dashboard also includes generic information such as Headquarter location, revenue range, or UBO. You will also receive all dashboard data as an excel export to use it any way you need.

Would AI-based databases do it quicker?

Artificial intelligence (AI) depends on training data and on the nature of questions about what the AI is trained for. There is no blueprint for the search rationale of companies looking for strategic additions. Looking for similarities is simply not enough when you do not know what the contextual meaning of similarity is. This individual data analysis differentiates MADiscover’s approach from non-contextual AI databases. 

Why don’t you weigh-in selling probability?

The goods sold in M&A transactions are shares. However, the buyer receives not just shares, but an operational organization. We believe that the eagerness of shareholders to sell does not really correlate with the eagerness of the organization to become one with the buyer. 

How is the pricing made up?

We provide a customized quote for your individual search project. It depends on two parameters: the complexity of the search project and the market size.

The complexity is the clarity of the acquisition strategy and the project-specific screening criteria. It determines the time to train the algorithm. The market size defines the number of companies on the longlist.

The complexity and the size of the longlist define the number of resources needed. We charge no provision or per hour fees. 

What if we want to change our search scope or criteria along the way?

Throughout the process, adjustments to the strategic rationale can be integrated, e.g., if cluster of firms pop up which lead to extensions of the longlist or adjustments of the algorithm. These are included in a project if they are within a reasonable range.

If you want to extend the geographic scope or the relevant revenue range, this would be an extension of the project. Depending on the scope of the extensions, additional costs might apply.

© MADiscover GmbH 2025

Dr. Mai Anh Dao
Co-Founder & CEO 

f.   : +43 699 10387270
e. : 

MADiscover GmbH
Helga-Krismer-Platz 1
6020 Innsbruck

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Prof. Dr. Florian Bauer
Co-Founder & Chief Research Officer 

f.   : +44 7464 415575
e.  :

MADiscover GmbH
Helga-Krismer-Platz 1
6020 Innsbruck

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Dr. Wieland Alge

f.   : +43 664 1109211
e.  : 

MADiscover GmbH
Helga-Krismer-Platz 1
6020 Innsbruck

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