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Translating Strategy into Screening Activities


with Dr. Mai Anh Dao and Prof. Dr. Florian Bauer

Usually, a business case assumes a hockey stick effect with the combined entity, which is realized through bottom- and top-line synergies. So, if we think strategically, we need to think backwards from this expected performance and ask ourselves how to get there in order to generate these synergies. Specifically, we need to ask ourselves, which type of targets do we need to identify? Which criteria do these targets need to fulfill? 

So, to a certain extent, screening is about foreseeing the future. Acquirers should take a dynamic view of the boundary conditions that define the value that should be realized.

In this webinar, we outline how strategy, synergy, and asset gains tie in to each other in order to master the acquisition process. We also showcase how the MADiscover screening process allows our clients to provide for consistency in the target search process. 

Learn more about ensuring consistency throughout workstreams (M&A target screening // DD // integration) and decision-makers (C-level // M&A team // Business Unit).

Guest speakers:

Dr. Svante Schriber // Associate Professor//

Stockholm Business School

Dipl. Ing. Klaus Ort // GCA Industry Market Leader //

EY Logo Ernest and Young

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Dr. Mai Anh Dao and Prof. Dr. Florian Bauer

M&A Screening is broken. Everyone knows why. Nobody had a cure. Until now.

The founders, Mai Anh Dao and Florian Bauer, view target screening as the central strategic task of corporate development, one in which control, transparency, and traceability are crucial. Financial figures are not, as usual, the sole search criteria but merely serve as selection criteria. 


The MADiscover solution digitizes the screening process for enabling M&A managers to identify business opportunities in a strategically driven, transparent and flexible manner. With our AI-based solution, we start where conventional financial KPI and network-driven screening ends. 

© MADiscover GmbH 2025

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