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Solving the Synergy Mystery with the Lancaster and EY "LEAP-R Approach"


by Prof. Dr. Florian Bauer, Prof. Dr. Martin Friesl and Dipl. Ing. Klaus Ort 

One of the biggest problems in M&A is the assumption that it’s a linear process. However, we find various layers that are in conflict to each other – not only during the acquisition screening process, but also in post-acquisition integration. This conflicting nature is the main source why failure is mostly attributed to culture, and why we overlook cause-effect-relationships and its interdependencies in the entire acquisition process.

This paper unravels the acquisition process vertically and horizontally in order to generate implications for M&A managers on how to:

  • Identify strategically fitting targets,
  • Create stabilization when integrating acquirer and target units
  • Track the their acquisition goal achievement.

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Prof. Dr. Florian Bauer

“Synergy LEAP-R” allows firms to detect strategic, business model, and functional synergies that have distinct performance effects. 

About the collaborative research project:

The research project “The Synergy Mystery” is a collaborative project between the Lancaster University Management School (UK), Department of Entrepreneurship and Strategy and EY.

The research team consisting of Prof. Dr. Florian Bauer, Prof. Dr. Martin Friesl, and Klaus Ort first, conceptualised synergies by identifying and categorising different types of synergies based on managerial narratives and perceptions. 

The MADiscover solution digitizes the screening process for enabling M&A managers to identify business opportunities in a strategically driven, transparent and flexible manner. With our AI-based solution, we start where conventional financial KPI and network-driven screening ends. 

© MADiscover GmbH 2025

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